

… to exchange and to develop animation and mediation practices, which allow adult migrants, and disadvantaged persons in general, to find in themselves (following a social constructivism process) methods, techniques and tools in aim to better live together with few means…

Transnational Project Meetings

1st meeting - France

2nd meeting - Tenerife (ES)

3rd meeting - Italy

4th meeting - Finland

5th meeting - Zaragoza (ES)

6th meeting - Romania

7th meeting - Greece

8th meeting - France


Our thoughts and experience...

Our results

The expected results  of our project are:
– an online handbook for teachers and trainers (english and local languages); it will include the methods and activities whitch were shared during the project, the evaluation of their transfert by other partners this guide will be developed by the partnership. The handbook aims at supplying a global pedagogical consideration and practical suggested activities.
– a project website or blog: story telling of the transnational meetings and of the pedagogical transfers and tests at the parners’ places
– a facebook page for each partner: these pages will record the witnesses (texts, picture and videos) and the meetings (local and transnational)
– a logo for the project
– a specific page on the partner’s website (local language) with links to an english version
– on a cloud space: all the usefull documents for the management of the project

Our Facebook Page

SMILES  Project
SMILES Project
🔶 This morning, on the 29th of April 2021, our colleagues from Bucovina Institute, Petru Vasile Gafiuc and Silviu Petrariu discussed about the activities carried out within the 🇪🇺 Erasmus + projects within the show "Dimineți cu soare"☀️, a live broadcast on the local television NEst-TV Channel 📺 from Suceava, Romania 🇷🇴, being watched by our community on Facebook, Youtube, and on TV 👀, reaching over 3000 views. We invite you to listen to them! 👩‍💻🤩

#ErasmusPlus #Partnership #ErasmusPlusProjects
SMILES  Project
Dimineți cu soare
Nu începe niciodată cu nu se poate, ci începe cu să vedem - Nicolae Iorga Joi, 28 aprilie, de la ora 07:30, invitații matinalului sunt: Vasile Gafiuc - președinte Institutul Bucovina și Silviu Petrariu - formator Institutul Bucovina cu care vom dezbate subiecte interesante, proiecte realizate în beneficiul comunității, proiecte transfrontaliere și multe altele. Așteptăm mesajele voastre și vă mulțumim că sunteți alături de noi!
SMILES  Project
SMILES Project
📌 Petru-Vasile Gafiuc, the president of Bucovina Institute, together with our trainer, Silviu Petrariu will participate tomorrow, the 29th of April 2021 on a live transmission, at a local TV channel 📺 from Suceava, Romania - NEst TV Channel, discussing about all the 🇪🇺 Erasmus+ projects which are currently in implementation, namely the activities carried on💼, their objectives 🎯, the online and face-to-face meetings👨‍💻, the European 🌍 and local partnerships 🤝, and the results.

Keep an eye on us 🧐 and you will find out more information in the next 24 hours! 📄🧑‍💼⌛️

#ErasmusPlus #ErasmusPlusProjects #BucovinaInstitute #Partnership #Collaboration #EuropeanPartnership
SMILES  Project
SMILES Project
Happy to meet on zoom with all our partners for SMILE project. Happy to plan our next mobilities for Zaragoza, Patras and Saint Gaudens!!!
SMILES  Project
SMILES Project
On line management meeting on April, 27. Unfortunately we had to cancel our meeting in Suceava (Romania) but we try to keep on our next planned meetings : Zaragoza (Spain) in June, Patras (Greece) in July and our final meeting in Saint Gaudens end of July
SMILES  Project
SMILES Project updated their status.
When this happens, it's usually because the owner only shared it with a small group of people, changed who can see it or it's been deleted.
SMILES  Project
SMILES Project
📌On the 26th of March, Vasile Gafiuc, Bucovina Institute's President, participated in the International Conference "Let's (re)DISCOVER our EUROPE", organised by Cicia (Centrul de Incubare Creativ-Inovativ de Afaceri) in Piatra Neamț, Romania, within the "Discover our Europe" Project.

During the event, which was broadcast live by ABD Reporter TV, Mr. Gafiuc held a presentation about Bucovina Institute and all the projects that are currently being implemented or have been recently, including SMILES Project 👏

📌 The entire conference is now up on YouTube:


#DiscoverourEurope #smilesproject

Supporting Migrants Integration Life Experience Skills

Proj. no: 2018-1-FR01-KA204-048168

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.